Our Services

Services rendered by Commissioner for Oaths in administer Oaths for:-

Statutory Declaration

Administer oaths for the taking and receiving of statutory declarations

Justification for Bail

Conducting oath for justification for bail

Affidavit or Affirmation

Conducting oath for any affidavit or affirmation

Executors & Administrators

Swearing Oaths for Executors and Administrators in estate administration matter

Court Action

Administer oaths for any person in any action, matter or proceeding which is pending or about to be instituted in any court

Related Forms

Administer oaths for relevant forms from National Registration Department (JPN), Immigration Department Malaysia and so on.

Related Documents That Can be Affirmed:-

1. National Registration Department (JPN)

National Registration Department (JPN Malaysia ) forms that can be affirmed include:

1. Statutory Declaration forms for the correction of facts in the Registration of Birth and Death certificates
2. Statutory Declaration forms by a biological parent(s) to consent to give away a child for adoption
3. Statutory Declaration forms by an adopting person or a parent(s)
4. Statutory Declaration for late registration of births
5. Application forms for non- Muslem marriages notice to be displayed at NRD
6. Application for the re-registration of births and its annexed statutory declaration
7. Application for a licence to solemnise a marriage at a place/location other than the office of the Registrar of Marriages
8. Affirmation forms for parents of an adopted child
9. Statutory Declaration for remarriages
10. Statutory Declaration for applications for the change or an addition of a name of a person
11. Statutory Declaration on the single status of a person or of an unmarried person
12. Statutory Declaration on the marital status of a person who has remain married since
13. Statutory Declaration for marriages with foreign nationals
14. Statutory Declaration on unmarried persons who practise cohabitation and produce illegitimate child
15. Statutory Declaration for non-muslem divorced persons who plan to remarry foreign nationals
16. Statutory Declaration on the registration of marriages with foreign nationals
17. Statutory Declaration on single status of an individual
18. Statutory Declaration by foreign muslem maids
19. Statutory Declaration by adopting parents to amend an adopted child’s name
20 Statutory Declaration denouncing the PR status of a person who plan to return to his country of origin and also surrendering his NRIC

2. Immigration Department Malaysia

Statutory Declaration forms of the Immigration Department Malaysia include amongst others:

1. Statutory Declaration for visa extension by a foreign spouse married to a Malaysian citizen
2. Statutory Declaration by a Muslim foreign maid
3. Statutory Declaration by a PR who has lost his/her Entry Permit to apply for a Malaysian passport
4. Statutory Declaration by a person who surrrenders his Entry Permit and plans to leave Malaysia, that is renouncing his PR status.
5. Statutory Declaration of a Malaysian Citizen Who Becomes a Guarantor for his family of foreign citizens to obtain a Residence Visa in Malaysia.
6. Statutory Declaration of child’s guarantor.
7. Statutory Declaration of foreign citizen guarantor.
8. Statutory Declaration of never married but cohabiting until having children to register marriage
9. Statutory Declaration of Permanent Resident for applying for a Letter of Identification
10. Statutory Declaration related to Foreign Citizens without original employer for case work permit

3. Other Professional Services

Other common Statutory Declarations/ Services included but not limited to : –

1. New appointees to public service
2. New tender submission
3. Successful tender bidding
4. Renovation application to local governments
5. Letter of indemnity
6. Rights of guardianship
7. Disclosure of family financial standing
8. Disclosure of personal marital status
9. Borang DDA
10. Divorce Petition/Affidavit Affirmation Services
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James Ng
Commissioner For Oaths | Pesuruhjaya Sumpah | 宣誓官
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